The Maverick Navy [-MVN-]

CEOAvicenna SarfarazTax rate0.0099999997764826%

Alliance history

The Maverick NavySnuffed Out2019-01-02 22:022019-09-15 01:378 months, 12 days, 3 hours and 35 minutes
The Maverick NavyNorthern Coalition.2017-03-11 23:032019-01-02 22:021 year, 9 months, 21 days, 22 hours and 59 minutes
The Maverick NavyBlack Legion.2013-01-08 02:162017-03-11 23:034 years, 2 months, 3 days, 20 hours and 47 minutes
The Maverick NavyAgainst ALL Authorities2011-02-16 04:002013-01-08 02:161 year, 10 months, 22 days, 22 hours and 16 minutes
The Maverick NavyIT Alliance2009-11-04 03:012011-02-16 04:001 year, 3 months, 12 days and 59 minutes
The Maverick NavyAtlas Alliance2009-05-03 03:072009-11-04 03:016 months, 23 hours and 54 minutes
The Maverick NavyPuPPet MasTers2009-03-11 02:562009-05-03 03:071 month, 22 days and 11 minutes
The Maverick NavySouthern Cross Alliance2008-11-27 06:112009-03-11 02:563 months, 11 days, 20 hours and 45 minutes
The Maverick NavyPupule 'Ohana2008-10-13 13:312008-11-27 06:111 month, 13 days, 16 hours and 40 minutes
The Maverick NavyInterstellar Alcohol Conglomerate2008-05-15 23:582008-10-13 13:314 months, 27 days, 13 hours and 33 minutes
"So you have enemies? Good. That means you've stoodup for something, sometime in your life."

"Family Friendly Corp"

AFK Chief Executive Officer: Avicenna Sarfaraz

MVN Diplos

Public Channel:-MVN- Gunboat Diplomacy



~ Updated at: 2025-03-05 18:17:46 ~

~ Next update in: 46 minutes ~

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