Sick Tight [CSTR8]

THORN Alliance [THORN]

CEO3 ElevenTax rate0%
Alliance THORN AllianceHeadquarters

Alliance history

Sick TightTHORN Alliance2017-02-17 19:222024-12-26 19:297 years, 10 months, 9 days and 7 minutes
Sick TightBricK sQuAD.2011-06-13 21:382017-02-17 19:225 years, 8 months, 3 days, 21 hours and 44 minutes
Sick TightControlled Chaos2011-02-06 12:012011-06-13 21:384 months, 7 days, 9 hours and 37 minutes
CEO: Lucian James / Keef Drow
Chief Director: Nairu Krop
Recruitment Officers : Indeterminacy , Muul Udoni , Busterhighman , Hiphopanonimus

Public Channel = SickTight

Corporate Info:

Sick Tight is brand new and recently split from THORN Syndicate. Although new, our avg SP is 40m+ and most pilots have played for years.

We are based in 0.0

Our corp and alliance military objectives include:
-Small style roams policing the area
-Large capital ops & hotdrops on our enemies
-Medium & Large fleet combat

Popular shiptypes include:
-Shield Tanked Alpha Strike Arty BS
-Hellcats: Pulse Laser BS
-Armor HACs
-Mid Range ARMOR BS
-Nano T2
-Sniper HAC/BC
-Black Ops, Recons & Bombers
-T1 Frig Frak Fests! (280+ frigs set a record and crashed eve last fall :p)

We have very specialized industrial objectives, with independent positions created to achieve our objectives.
-Station creation (PI)
-T1 ship prod
-Cap prod
-Personal wealth
-Special prod & more! Inquire with Nairu Krop.

We do not believe in carrying dead weight. If you're active within the corporation your efforts will not go unnoticed, nor will they be



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