Operation Grayskull [OPGSK]

CEOValenas GraysonTax rate0.10000000149012%

Alliance history

Operation GrayskullFraternity.2018-12-17 23:192021-10-25 09:282 years, 10 months, 7 days, 10 hours and 9 minutes
Operation GrayskullDeus Vult.2018-02-26 16:122018-12-17 23:199 months, 21 days, 7 hours and 7 minutes
Operation GrayskullCohortes Triarii2017-12-08 23:492018-02-26 16:122 months, 17 days, 16 hours and 23 minutes
We're currently looking for new members!

OPGSK is a small family friendly and tightly knit, multicultural community. We're looking for commited long-term members who want to get involved!

We offer:

- Nice, fun, drama free but personal atmosphere!
- RL first attitude!
- Null Sec: Mining/Ratting/Industry/Super Umbrella/Good Markets
- Good logistics
- Fun Corp Events!
- Guidance and Training for newer players who show their commitment
- Access to a rich and multicultural Alliance/Coalition experience

We require:

- Be able to read, write and speak English
- Be positive, friendly and polite
- Be able to use voice and text chat (Mumble/Discord)
- Be able and willing to PVP
- Be active ingame and on Discord regularly
- Full and thorough background checks

- Public Channel: OPGSK Public



~ Updated at: 2025-03-05 04:17:37 ~

~ Next update in: 48 minutes ~

All EVE related materials are property of CCP Games