Mentally Assured Destruction [U-MAD]

CEOZeus MaximoTax rate0.0010000000474975%

Alliance history

Mentally Assured DestructionThe Pursuit of Happiness2013-10-23 17:392024-11-10 11:4211 years, 17 days, 18 hours and 3 minutes
Mentally Assured DestructionWhores In Space2013-02-07 17:442013-10-23 17:398 months, 15 days, 23 hours and 55 minutes
Mentally Assured DestructionHello Kitty Safety Beach Patrol2012-08-30 01:362013-02-07 17:445 months, 8 days, 16 hours and 8 minutes
Mentally Assured DestructionNorthern Strike2012-07-19 19:172012-08-30 01:361 month, 10 days, 6 hours and 19 minutes
Mentally Assured DestructionDec Shield2012-05-22 13:022012-07-19 19:171 month, 27 days, 6 hours and 15 minutes
All payments must be sent toMentally Assured Destruction with a reason. Payments sent to individual players will not be honored.

Check out our pvp videos.

Our corporation does not care about your feelings or how your day has been. Griefing is what we do and we are damn good at it. If you think we will just go away, think again! Our assets are unimaginable and our drive is unbreakable. Admit we are the best or die like the rest!

If you have any questions mail any member of U-Mad and they will carry the message to the right person. Trolls should be expected!

Contacts: Ju0ZaS, Bammax, Zeus Maximo



~ Updated at: 2025-02-02 09:45:15 ~

~ Next update in: 44 minutes ~

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