Hull Critical [C.RIT]

CEOMax HullTax rate0.10000000149012%

Alliance history

Hull CriticalCritical Distortion2017-04-16 01:132018-09-21 11:061 year, 5 months, 5 days, 9 hours and 53 minutes
Hull CriticalThe Bastard Cartel2017-02-02 02:122017-04-16 01:132 months, 13 days, 23 hours and 1 minute
Hull CriticalCritical Distortion2016-11-05 01:392017-02-02 02:122 months, 28 days and 33 minutes
Hull CriticalCritical Distortion2016-07-29 21:392016-11-05 01:393 months, 6 days, 4 hours
Hull Critical - Small. Tight knit, mature, group of pilots living the nomadic ways and looking to expand and grow.

We do not have activity requirements or CTAs. Real life is always first.

API is Required.

What we offer:

Null Sec/Low Sec/Wormhole PvP
Small gang PvP
Isk making opportunities
Mostly USTZ-looking to expand EUTZs
No CTAs or activity requirements
Learning opportunities of low SP pilots
Experienced FCs

What we require:

Ability to use comms on Discord /TS3
Use of Slack
Desire to PvP and have fun

Visit HullHull Critical Recruitment for further interest or in game message Max Jakelson or Kanaria Kaundur.



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