High Flyers [HIFI]

CEOmishtikoTax rate0%

Alliance history

High FlyersNorthern Coalition.2015-10-26 14:472018-05-14 13:312 years, 6 months, 17 days, 22 hours and 44 minutes
High FlyersGentlemen's.Club2015-05-27 01:132015-10-26 14:474 months, 29 days, 13 hours and 34 minutes
High FlyersThe Kadeshi2013-08-24 22:272015-05-27 01:131 year, 9 months, 2 days, 2 hours and 46 minutes
High FlyersEx Cinere Scriptor2013-05-26 00:482013-08-24 22:272 months, 29 days, 21 hours and 39 minutes
High FlyersUnclaimed.2012-10-10 14:202013-05-26 00:487 months, 15 days, 10 hours and 28 minutes
High FlyersRED.OverLord2011-06-17 20:312012-10-10 14:201 year, 3 months, 22 days, 17 hours and 49 minutes
High FlyersRED.OverLord2011-01-11 16:062011-06-17 20:315 months, 6 days, 4 hours and 25 minutes
High FlyersBlack Star Alliance2010-09-26 04:552011-01-11 16:063 months, 16 days, 11 hours and 11 minutes
High FlyersNo Fly Zone2010-04-02 01:462010-09-26 04:555 months, 24 days, 3 hours and 9 minutes
High FlyersSev3rance2008-12-31 23:202010-04-02 01:461 year, 3 months, 1 day, 2 hours and 26 minutes
High FlyersStarFleet Federation2008-08-16 17:102008-12-31 23:204 months, 15 days, 6 hours and 10 minutes
After many Long years of pvping, High Flyers has closed its doors. Its members moved onto another corp as a group. If you are a former High FLyer and would like to rejoin your homies contactZetadelta333 . So long and thanks for all the kills.

Any Issues mail - Zetadelta333

Public channel -Hifi/pub
New Corp Channel - UDEAD Public

Big Shout Out to the HIFI Founding Fathersmishtikophoenixking1012Agamemnnonn



~ Updated at: 2025-02-01 09:12:35 ~

~ Next update in: 24 minutes ~

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