Grey Toxic Sword [G T S]


CEOMolly ShearsTax rate0.059999998658895%
Members31Ticker[G T S]

Alliance history

Grey Toxic SwordShadow Ultimatum2023-11-08 07:252025-03-06 09:341 year, 3 months, 26 days, 2 hours and 9 minutes
Grey Toxic SwordReeloaded.2021-12-31 01:192023-11-08 07:251 year, 10 months, 8 days, 6 hours and 6 minutes
Grey Toxic SwordEvictus.2021-03-30 18:072021-12-31 01:199 months, 7 hours and 12 minutes
Grey Toxic SwordInvidia Gloriae Comes2019-05-17 13:452021-03-30 18:071 year, 10 months, 13 days, 4 hours and 22 minutes
Grey Toxic SwordKids With Guns Alliance2015-05-08 20:432019-05-17 13:454 years, 8 days, 17 hours and 2 minutes
Grey Toxic SwordNorthern Associates.2014-05-02 00:302015-05-08 20:431 year, 6 days, 20 hours and 13 minutes
Grey Toxic SwordInver Brass2014-02-28 17:082014-05-02 00:302 months, 3 days, 7 hours and 22 minutes
Grey Toxic SwordNorthern Associates.2013-07-02 19:472014-02-28 17:087 months, 25 days, 21 hours and 21 minutes
Grey Toxic SwordS2N Citizens2013-01-12 22:202013-07-02 19:475 months, 19 days, 21 hours and 27 minutes
Grey Toxic SwordKadeshians2012-12-02 20:532013-01-12 22:201 month, 10 days, 1 hour and 27 minutes
Grey Toxic SwordInver Brass2011-01-08 12:082012-12-02 20:531 year, 10 months, 24 days, 8 hours and 45 minutes
Grey Toxic Swordxx SOLARIS xx2010-01-26 17:332011-01-08 12:0811 months, 12 days, 18 hours and 35 minutes
u'Rekrutacja otwarta, 30+
PM: Molly Shears /

"... land of bear and land of eagle, land that gave us birth and blessing, land that called us ever homewards, we will go home across the mountains, we will go home singing our song"/zapo\u017cyczone odSempiternus

Zapewniamy lokal i miejsce parkingowe, and last but not least
\u201eConduc\u0103tor\u201e, \u201eW\xf3dz\u201d, \u201e\u015awiat\u0142o Ziemi \u0141\u0119czyckiej \u201d, \u201eGwiazda Mazowsza\u201d, \u201eJutrzenka Wszystkich Spragnionych\u201d, \u201eZwiastun Wiosny Psychonaut\xf3w\u201d, \u201eGwiazda Przewodnia Sprawnych Inaczej\u201d, \u201eNadzieja Ludu Wykl\u0119tego\u201d, \u201eS\u0142oneczny Brylant Pijak\xf3w\u201d, \u201eGranitowy Drogowskaz Promiennej Przysz\u0142o\u015bci\u201d, \u201eWielki Sok\xf3\u0142 G\xf3rski\u201d, \u201dB\u0142\u0119kitny Orze\u0142 Monopolu Spirytusowego\u201d, \u201d\u015awietlisty Diadem Lumpenproletariatu\u201d... realizuj\u0105cy pragnienia serc gorej\u0105cych ;)

Mo\u017cna kla\u0107 byle z rozwag\u0105 i smakiem(w godz. 6-22)
Kontakt z nami 24/7 tel. 22 695 29 00 wew. 11 prosi\u0107 Andrzeja lub p.Tadeusza,
w grze kana\u0142 GTS-Public.'



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