Beyond Divinity Inc [BYDI]

Shadow Cartel [SHDWC]

CEOTrouserDeagleTax rate0%
Alliance Shadow CartelHeadquarters

Alliance history

Beyond Divinity IncShadow Cartel2012-07-28 21:072025-03-09 23:2012 years, 7 months, 9 days, 2 hours and 13 minutes
Beyond Divinity IncExcuses.2011-02-28 12:582012-07-28 21:071 year, 5 months, 8 hours and 9 minutes
Beyond Divinity IncExcuses.2010-06-20 04:592011-02-28 12:588 months, 8 days, 7 hours and 59 minutes
Beyond Divinity IncBeyond Virginity2009-08-22 06:042010-06-20 04:599 months, 28 days, 22 hours and 55 minutes
Beyond Divinity IncTerra Incognita.2007-08-31 14:242009-08-22 06:041 year, 11 months, 21 days, 15 hours and 40 minutes
Beyond Divinity IncBlind Beavers2007-05-07 16:332007-08-31 14:243 months, 23 days, 21 hours and 51 minutes
Public Channel: BYDI-PUB

AdamYawl for anything i mean it.

For all rejections:
Ugluuk (Founder)
Trouserdeagle (CEO) lol that guy
Rev Fernie - Adamyawl - Saint Schala
15M skillpoint minimum.

Jan Morgenstern > when Adam and Trouser logi then EVE changes from SCI-Fi space game to fantasy because we can see magic :)

[02:15:51] Psyflame > sorry to disappoint, but not even i am gay enough to claim the title of "bydi member"



All EVE related materials are property of CCP Games