Bad Vibe [BAD V]

CEOFarmville OneTax rate0.10000000149012%
Members1Ticker[BAD V]

Alliance history

Bad VibeHell's Kitchen.2020-08-31 21:102020-09-23 19:5922 days, 22 hours and 49 minutes
Bad VibeConflict Theory2020-07-03 21:562020-08-31 21:101 month, 27 days, 23 hours and 14 minutes
Bad VibeTriumvirate.2020-03-31 21:302020-07-03 21:563 months, 2 days and 26 minutes
Bad VibePandemic Horde2020-01-19 21:482020-03-31 21:302 months, 11 days, 23 hours and 42 minutes
Bad VibeTrigger Happy.2019-08-08 21:242020-01-19 21:485 months, 11 days and 24 minutes
Bad VibeThe OSS2018-10-30 16:002019-08-08 21:249 months, 9 days, 5 hours and 24 minutes
Bad VibeThe OSS2016-10-21 19:512018-10-30 16:002 years, 8 days, 20 hours and 9 minutes
Corp currently closed



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