Ministry of Aggressive Destruction

Immortal Lunatics

CorporationImmortal LunaticsSecurity status2.7
AllianceMinistry of Aggressive DestructionAvg. time in corporation3 years, 9 months, 19 days, 14 hours and 44 minutes
Date of birth 2013-10-07 09:33:24Id93885252

Employment history

Immortal LunaticsImmortal Lunatics2014-10-11 00:212025-03-04 05:4510 years, 4 months, 21 days, 5 hours and 24 minutes
The Mental AsylumThe Mental Asylum2013-10-07 23:432014-10-11 00:211 year, 3 days and 38 minutes
School of Applied KnowledgeSchool of Applied Knowledge2013-10-07 09:332013-10-07 23:4314 hours and 10 minutes