Slightly Sexual

Girls like Candy

CorporationGirls like CandySecurity status-0.4
AllianceSlightly SexualAvg. time in corporation1 year, 8 months, 16 days, 21 hours and 43 minutes
Date of birth 2009-09-09 20:22:00Id1409087582
I am a REAL girl. lol

If I can't kick your ass I know someone who can! =)

Employment history

Girls like CandyGirls like Candy2014-03-17 21:582025-02-01 23:5610 years, 10 months, 15 days, 1 hour and 58 minutes
Tactical TelepathyTactical Telepathy2014-03-17 21:532014-03-17 21:585 minutes
The ScopeThe Scope2014-03-17 21:502014-03-17 21:533 minutes
Forsaken MercenariesForsaken Mercenaries2012-11-10 21:242014-03-17 21:501 year, 4 months, 7 days and 26 minutes
The ScopeThe Scope2012-11-05 02:152012-11-10 21:245 days, 19 hours and 9 minutes
Koa Mai HokuKoa Mai Hoku2010-10-02 16:462012-11-05 02:152 years, 1 month, 2 days, 9 hours and 29 minutes
The ScopeThe Scope2010-09-07 10:192010-10-02 16:4625 days, 6 hours and 27 minutes
Nightwing Transit Inc.Nightwing Transit Inc.2009-12-08 04:512010-09-07 10:198 months, 30 days, 5 hours and 28 minutes
Federal Navy AcademyFederal Navy Academy2009-09-09 20:222009-12-08 04:512 months, 28 days, 8 hours and 29 minutes