Test Alliance Please Ignore

Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms

CorporationAlcohol Tobacco and FirearmsSecurity status4.9
AllianceTest Alliance Please IgnoreAvg. time in corporation3 years, 8 months, 15 days, 15 hours and 55 minutes
Date of birth 2010-05-05 03:43:00Id1475817249
It is by Caffeine alone, I set my mind in motion,
It is the essence of the bean that thoughts acquire speed,
The hands acquire shakes, The shakes become a warning,
It is by Caffeine alone, I set my mind in motion,

R.I.P. Vile Rat

If it is RED, make it DEAD
If it is Neut, you should shoot
If it is Blue, let it through
If it AWOX, give it some POX

Employment history

Alcohol Tobacco and FirearmsAlcohol Tobacco and Firearms2010-07-26 02:132025-03-05 19:2414 years, 7 months, 7 days, 17 hours and 11 minutes
Chucknorium DynamicsChucknorium Dynamics2010-07-17 20:082010-07-26 02:138 days, 6 hours and 5 minutes
Alcohol Tobacco and FirearmsAlcohol Tobacco and Firearms2010-05-19 17:032010-07-17 20:081 month, 28 days, 3 hours and 5 minutes
Center for Advanced StudiesCenter for Advanced Studies2010-05-05 03:432010-05-19 17:0314 days, 13 hours and 20 minutes