
CorporationHaluter-GildeSecurity status5
AllianceAvg. time in corporation4 years, 6 months, 1 day, 17 hours and 25 minutes
Date of birth 2007-01-10 20:11:00Id820022083

5 Jahre Daoc sind Genug!

Server Stonehenge / Reich Albion / Gildenmeister der L\xf6wen Avalons

Nun ist EVE dran....

Baue T2 Caldari Schiffe auf Anfrage ( Frig - Battlecruiser. )

Ceo Haluter - Gilde

2007.03.21 19:13
Victim: Jun Racine
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Haluter-Gilde
Destroyed: Drake
System: Assiad
Security: 0.9

Involved parties:

Name: CONCORD Police Commander / CONCORD (laid the final blow) <--- Concord Cheatet !

Meine Sch\xe4tzchen / Omnia Vincit / Dreister Ore Dieb! / Immaculate

derhaluter > ja und kartoffeln...ich bekomm ne pf\xfctze auf der zunge wenn ich daran denke'

Employment history

Haluter-GildeHaluter-Gilde2007-09-27 18:292025-01-10 17:5317 years, 3 months, 13 days, 23 hours and 24 minutes
HaluterHaluter2007-09-11 20:022007-09-27 18:2915 days, 22 hours and 27 minutes
Haluter-GildeHaluter-Gilde2007-01-26 21:092007-09-11 20:027 months, 15 days, 22 hours and 53 minutes
Science and Trade InstituteScience and Trade Institute2007-01-10 20:112007-01-26 21:0916 days and 58 minutes