Apocalypse Now.

Assault Squadron Indigo

CorporationAssault Squadron IndigoSecurity status-0.6
AllianceApocalypse Now.Avg. time in corporation2 years, 1 month, 16 days, 20 hours and 45 minutes
Date of birth 2010-04-05 15:14:00Id1217194006
Si vis pacem, para bellum -- If you wish for peace, prepare for war
Inter arma enim silent leges -- For among times of arms, the laws fall mute

Lord Protector of Apocalypse Now.
Principal of the Providence Empyrean Council
Chairman of the APOC High Council
Prefect of Assault Squadron Indigo
Honorary Prefect of Burning Skies

Grand Master of the Order of the Silver Dragon
Templar in the Order of the Valkyrie
Taxiarx in the Order of Deliverance

Freedom, Justice, Honor...
Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno

Employment history

Assault Squadron IndigoAssault Squadron Indigo2022-03-20 18:442025-03-02 16:332 years, 11 months, 9 days, 21 hours and 49 minutes
Federal Navy AcademyFederal Navy Academy2022-03-20 18:392022-03-20 18:445 minutes
Burning SkiesBurning Skies2011-10-24 13:012022-03-20 18:3910 years, 4 months, 24 days, 5 hours and 38 minutes
Luminaire HeadhuntersLuminaire Headhunters2010-08-05 21:022011-10-24 13:011 year, 2 months, 18 days, 15 hours and 59 minutes
fuzzems101fuzzems1012010-07-28 13:432010-08-05 21:028 days, 7 hours and 19 minutes
Luminaire HeadhuntersLuminaire Headhunters2010-04-19 13:402010-07-28 13:433 months, 9 days and 3 minutes
Federal Navy AcademyFederal Navy Academy2010-04-05 15:142010-04-19 13:4013 days, 22 hours and 26 minutes