Scary Wormhole People

The Dark Space Initiative

CorporationThe Dark Space InitiativeSecurity status-1.1
AllianceScary Wormhole PeopleAvg. time in corporation1 year, 11 months, 29 days, 3 hours and 25 minutes
Date of birth 2009-03-16 01:31:00Id1181548362
If you're looking to speak with me or my corp/alliance join our public channel "TDSIN Pub"

Employment history

The Dark Space InitiativeThe Dark Space Initiative2009-06-03 00:542025-02-25 04:5815 years, 8 months, 22 days, 4 hours and 4 minutes
The ScopeThe Scope2009-05-26 01:352009-06-03 00:547 days, 23 hours and 19 minutes
KHM CorporationKHM Corporation2009-05-16 03:512009-05-26 01:359 days, 21 hours and 44 minutes
The ScopeThe Scope2009-05-12 02:232009-05-16 03:514 days, 1 hour and 28 minutes
BantekiBanteki2009-04-07 00:282009-05-12 02:231 month, 5 days, 1 hour and 55 minutes
The ScopeThe Scope2009-04-07 00:252009-04-07 00:283 minutes
Terra NostraTerra Nostra2009-03-17 23:332009-04-07 00:2520 days and 52 minutes
University of CailleUniversity of Caille2009-03-16 01:312009-03-17 23:331 day, 22 hours and 2 minutes