Quantum Dominion [QD.]

CEOThe Designer LQTax rate0.050000000745058%

Alliance history

Quantum DominionDISASTER Delivery Service2020-09-17 21:202023-06-15 19:442 years, 8 months, 28 days, 22 hours and 24 minutes
Quantum DominionEvent Horizon.2017-12-19 15:252020-09-17 21:202 years, 8 months, 29 days, 5 hours and 55 minutes

Quantum Dominion is a relaxed corp which focuses on most aspects of EVE

From Mining the Classics & Mixing in some new Beats on occasion
While sucking in completely safe gasses (no masks needed, truly, it's what clones are for :p)
To integrating those Quantum Particles in Industry for research & manufacturing
Down into the cold depths of gravity pulls aka Wormholes

Focusing on Short & Long Term goals in realistic steps and having some fun along the way

We do not have any specific demands or Mandatory ops
That said we do have regular scheduled ops

Only exception:
In case you would join up for WH Raids then Discord is a must
And it's always preferred on ops
But hey it's 2017 so who doesn't use it? :p

Have more questions join QD-Inn



All EVE related materials are property of CCP Games