Spectre Fleet Corporation [-XUP-]

CEOSpectre FleetTax rate0%

Alliance history

Spectre Fleet CorporationSpectre Fleet Alliance2016-04-18 01:122020-06-24 11:194 years, 2 months, 6 days, 10 hours and 7 minutes
Spectre Fleet CorporationSpectre Fleet Alliance2015-10-12 04:252016-04-18 01:126 months, 5 days, 20 hours and 47 minutes
Welcome to the Spectre Fleet Corporation!

To join this Corporation, simply apply and wait to be accepted - that's it! We don't care about APIs, spies, your dirty secrets, or any of that. The only thing that we care about is PvP, PvP, and MORE PvP!

You DO NOT have to be a part of this corporation or alliance in order to participate in Spectre Fleet's events and public fleets. If you have any questions about this corporation, either ask in the main channel or mail Jayne Fillon.

Public Fleets and Events: Spectre Fleet



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