League of Non-Aligned Worlds [LNAW]

CEOXenophilius LovegoodTax rate0.10000000149012%

Alliance history

League of Non-Aligned WorldsSnuffed Out2015-08-28 00:032019-10-04 15:164 years, 1 month, 6 days, 15 hours and 13 minutes
League of Non-Aligned WorldsSnuffed Out2015-04-19 07:092015-08-28 00:034 months, 8 days, 16 hours and 54 minutes
League of Non-Aligned WorldsOverload Everything2015-03-10 22:402015-04-19 07:091 month, 8 days, 8 hours and 29 minutes
League of Non-Aligned WorldsConfederation of xXPIZZAXx2015-03-02 01:062015-03-10 22:408 days, 21 hours and 34 minutes
League of Non-Aligned WorldsBlack Legion.2015-02-24 13:232015-03-02 01:065 days, 11 hours and 43 minutes
League of Non-Aligned WorldsTriumvirate.2015-01-29 12:252015-02-24 13:2326 days and 58 minutes
League of Non-Aligned WorldsConfederation of xXPIZZAXx2014-10-24 19:342015-01-29 12:253 months, 4 days, 16 hours and 51 minutes
League of Non-Aligned WorldsExit Existence2013-07-09 08:552014-10-24 19:341 year, 3 months, 15 days, 10 hours and 39 minutes
League of Non-Aligned WorldsNulli Secunda2012-01-27 12:122013-07-09 08:551 year, 5 months, 11 days, 20 hours and 43 minutes
League of Non-Aligned WorldsNulli Tertius2011-09-19 19:422012-01-27 12:124 months, 7 days, 16 hours and 30 minutes
League of Non-Aligned WorldsDark Solar Empire2011-06-21 16:212011-09-19 19:422 months, 29 days, 3 hours and 21 minutes
League of Non-Aligned WorldsChain of Chaos2010-10-17 21:342011-06-21 16:218 months, 3 days, 18 hours and 47 minutes
"LNAW is the greatest PVP corp in EVE."
-Elo Knight

"I dont have their ticker, but I am LNAW."

"LNAW is here, anything can happen."
-Travis Musgrat

"I loved their cookies."
-The Mittani

"They taught me a lot about love, friendship, and having fun."
-Lord Rahvin

"I'm glad it's over."

"I like LNAW."

"LNAW, they're pretty YOLO. They know their shit and don't give a fuck about lossmails."

Public channel: LNAW

Handsome Lord: Xenophilius Lovegood

hy wanto destroyer



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