Jell-O [COSBY]

CEOKing JeetahTax rate0.10999999940395%

Alliance history

Jell-OSyndicate.2012-04-01 22:232021-11-03 11:259 years, 7 months, 1 day, 13 hours and 2 minutes
Jell-OSyndicate.2010-12-12 02:252012-04-01 22:231 year, 3 months, 20 days, 19 hours and 58 minutes
Jell-OCurse Alliance2006-04-20 21:292010-12-12 02:254 years, 7 months, 21 days, 4 hours and 56 minutes
Delicate. Delightful. Dainty.

The result of advertising and merchandising methods, new and different, never before employed. Salesmen, well-trained, well groomed, well versed in the art of selling went out in "spanking rigs, drawn by beautiful horses" into the roads, byroads, fairs, country gatherings, church socials, and parties to advertise their product. First came team-drawn wagons, to be followed by smart auto-cars, and much later space worthy battleships armed to the teeth to peddle their delicious dessert snack food product. Pictures, posters, and billboards over the galaxy, as well as page ads in magazines, carried the Jell-O Girl and the six delicious flavors into space stations across the cosmos.

Jell-O's logo is none other than it's greatest spokesman, William Henry "Bill" Cosby, Jr., Ed.D.

In Cosby We Trust.

*Roleplay corp celebrating Bill Cosby and Jell-O, we used to be an enterprise of conmen but now we're all about the Jell-O. Remember the titans.*



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