GalOre Industries [GALOR]

CEOKatherine ApolTax rate0.10000000149012%

Alliance history

GalOre IndustriesHELM Alliance2015-05-30 11:012023-09-20 23:448 years, 3 months, 21 days, 12 hours and 43 minutes
GalOre IndustriesHELM Alliance2011-04-06 22:582015-05-30 11:014 years, 1 month, 23 days, 12 hours and 3 minutes
GalOre IndustriesHELM Alliance2009-11-01 12:262011-04-06 22:581 year, 5 months, 5 days, 10 hours and 32 minutes
GalOre IndustriesOuterRim Jobs2009-05-28 17:492009-11-01 12:265 months, 3 days, 18 hours and 37 minutes
GalOre IndustriesRepublic Alliance2009-04-19 04:472009-05-28 17:491 month, 9 days, 13 hours and 2 minutes
GalOre IndustriesFinal Retribution Alliance2009-02-21 02:572009-04-19 04:471 month, 29 days, 1 hour and 50 minutes
GalOre IndustriesJovian Enterprises2008-10-13 22:372009-02-21 02:574 months, 7 days, 4 hours and 20 minutes
We like rocks. You can heat them up and they keep you warm. You can pick them up and throw them. You can watch as they make the most satisfactory dents in otherwise unforgiving metal. Rocks should be treated with the proper respect by any rocketeer who wants to be more than a space-bum.

GalOre Industries is always accepting recruits. Talk to any GalOrean, and we'll see about an invitation.

We operate in every space. * Daily mining * missioning * exploration and manufacturing galore!

We accept mature rookies * Provide quality training and experience * Good fun, mature ambitious and dedicated group *

GalOre Industries - Like a rock empowering players to survive in New Eden.



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