Test Alliance Please Ignore

Unholy Knights of Cthulhu

CorporationUnholy Knights of CthulhuSecurity status0
AllianceTest Alliance Please IgnoreAvg. time in corporation1 year, 8 days, 16 hours and 40 minutes
Date of birth 2022-09-03 23:34:29Id2120356117
Graduates of the State War Academy's Combat Pilot Center are known for their quick thinking and finely honed reflexes.

Employment history

Unholy Knights of CthulhuUnholy Knights of Cthulhu2022-11-05 18:512024-09-20 08:551 year, 10 months, 14 days, 14 hours and 4 minutes
State War AcademyState War Academy2022-09-03 23:342022-11-05 18:512 months, 1 day, 19 hours and 17 minutes