Spectre Fleet Corporation

CorporationSpectre Fleet CorporationSecurity status0
AllianceAvg. time in corporation2 years, 8 months, 2 days and 3 minutes
Date of birth 2014-01-14 17:12:30Id94231548

You're probably looking for the public PvP channel Spectre Fleet.

However, if you were looking to donate to Spectre Fleet wallet, feel free to send ISK to this character. All donations will go towards ship subsidies and special events - if you'd like to audit our finances, please use the API below:

ID: 2998486
Verification Code: wL7VpSdTsoq9pzvMK1NgViSOwTTUkoVjSDG5pcMZK3ZhRddulqsAcgzBw0jfzD16

If you would like the donation to be anonymous, you can send ISK to the corporation Spectre Fleet Holdings. It will then be withdrawn manually into this character's wallet. Thank you for your support of Spectre Fleet!

This character also accepts contracts of loot drops.

Employment history

Spectre Fleet CorporationSpectre Fleet Corporation2015-10-11 03:422024-09-22 17:278 years, 11 months, 11 days, 13 hours and 45 minutes
ViziamViziam2015-10-11 03:392015-10-11 03:423 minutes
Spectre Fleet HoldingsSpectre Fleet Holdings2014-01-14 17:362015-10-11 03:391 year, 8 months, 26 days, 10 hours and 3 minutes
Imperial AcademyImperial Academy2014-01-14 17:132014-01-14 17:3623 minutes