Silent Infinity

Genetic Research

CorporationGenetic ResearchSecurity status1.4
AllianceSilent InfinityAvg. time in corporation3 months, 7 days, 8 hours and 54 minutes
Date of birth 2009-10-17 11:33:00Id632728309
.....................( +.+)

Employment history

Genetic ResearchGenetic Research2012-11-13 19:552024-09-21 06:4111 years, 10 months, 7 days, 10 hours and 46 minutes
Very Advanced Space ExplorationVery Advanced Space Exploration2012-11-13 14:552012-11-13 19:555 hours
TrapperLockTrapperLock2012-11-13 10:542012-11-13 14:554 hours and 1 minute
Genetic ResearchGenetic Research2012-11-06 22:362012-11-13 10:546 days, 12 hours and 18 minutes
EtchaPlasmEtchaPlasm2012-11-06 15:292012-11-06 22:367 hours and 7 minutes
Genetic ResearchGenetic Research2012-10-19 16:392012-11-06 15:2917 days, 22 hours and 50 minutes
Native FreshfoodNative Freshfood2012-10-16 15:102012-10-19 16:393 days, 1 hour and 29 minutes
Nanite NailsNanite Nails2012-10-07 22:572012-10-16 15:108 days, 16 hours and 13 minutes
Genetic ResearchGenetic Research2012-04-22 02:222012-10-07 22:575 months, 15 days, 20 hours and 35 minutes
Daedalus ExplorationDaedalus Exploration2012-04-11 12:432012-04-22 02:2210 days, 13 hours and 39 minutes
Native FreshfoodNative Freshfood2012-04-09 17:332012-04-11 12:431 day, 19 hours and 10 minutes
Genetic ResearchGenetic Research2012-01-07 22:582012-04-09 17:333 months, 1 day, 18 hours and 35 minutes
Native FreshfoodNative Freshfood2012-01-01 13:022012-01-07 22:586 days, 9 hours and 56 minutes
Genetic ResearchGenetic Research2011-11-26 13:092012-01-01 13:021 month, 5 days, 23 hours and 53 minutes
Native FreshfoodNative Freshfood2011-11-17 13:152011-11-26 13:098 days, 23 hours and 54 minutes
OGNETOGNET2011-11-15 03:282011-11-17 13:152 days, 9 hours and 47 minutes
Genetic ResearchGenetic Research2011-10-31 14:282011-11-15 03:2814 days, 13 hours
OGNETOGNET2011-08-19 14:282011-10-31 14:282 months, 12 days
Genetic ResearchGenetic Research2011-08-03 12:492011-08-19 14:2816 days, 1 hour and 39 minutes
OGNETOGNET2011-07-22 10:302011-08-03 12:4912 days, 2 hours and 19 minutes
Genetic ResearchGenetic Research2011-07-12 09:182011-07-22 10:3010 days, 1 hour and 12 minutes
Native FreshfoodNative Freshfood2011-07-12 09:142011-07-12 09:184 minutes
OGNETOGNET2011-04-18 12:512011-07-12 09:142 months, 23 days, 20 hours and 23 minutes
Genetic ResearchGenetic Research2011-03-03 23:422011-04-18 12:511 month, 14 days, 13 hours and 9 minutes
Native FreshfoodNative Freshfood2011-02-21 16:432011-03-03 23:4210 days, 6 hours and 59 minutes
OGNETOGNET2011-01-13 12:522011-02-21 16:431 month, 8 days, 3 hours and 51 minutes
Native FreshfoodNative Freshfood2011-01-08 00:432011-01-13 12:525 days, 12 hours and 9 minutes
OGNETOGNET2011-01-01 15:152011-01-08 00:436 days, 9 hours and 28 minutes
Native FreshfoodNative Freshfood2010-12-29 15:212011-01-01 15:152 days, 23 hours and 54 minutes
zFishStickerzzFishStickerz2010-11-07 21:202010-12-29 15:211 month, 21 days, 18 hours and 1 minute
Native FreshfoodNative Freshfood2010-11-06 11:382010-11-07 21:201 day, 9 hours and 42 minutes
zFishStickerzzFishStickerz2010-09-15 03:102010-11-06 11:381 month, 22 days, 8 hours and 28 minutes
Native FreshfoodNative Freshfood2010-09-15 03:102010-09-15 03:100 seconds
Rook KnightsRook Knights2010-07-18 09:192010-09-15 03:101 month, 27 days, 17 hours and 51 minutes
zFishStickerzzFishStickerz2010-07-15 20:192010-07-18 09:192 days, 13 hours
Native FreshfoodNative Freshfood2010-07-10 15:322010-07-15 20:195 days, 4 hours and 47 minutes
Rook KnightsRook Knights2010-07-08 10:512010-07-10 15:322 days, 4 hours and 41 minutes
Native FreshfoodNative Freshfood2010-07-08 00:032010-07-08 10:5110 hours and 48 minutes
The MoonPieThe MoonPie2010-07-04 18:222010-07-08 00:033 days, 5 hours and 41 minutes
Native FreshfoodNative Freshfood2010-07-04 17:252010-07-04 18:2257 minutes
Rook KnightsRook Knights2010-07-01 13:332010-07-04 17:253 days, 3 hours and 52 minutes
Native FreshfoodNative Freshfood2010-07-01 13:302010-07-01 13:333 minutes
InnerSphere AllianceInnerSphere Alliance2010-06-26 20:162010-07-01 13:304 days, 17 hours and 14 minutes
Native FreshfoodNative Freshfood2010-06-26 20:122010-06-26 20:164 minutes
zWorDeKeRzzWorDeKeRz2010-06-24 23:532010-06-26 20:121 day, 20 hours and 19 minutes
Native FreshfoodNative Freshfood2010-06-23 00:272010-06-24 23:531 day, 23 hours and 26 minutes
Rook KnightsRook Knights2010-06-21 04:342010-06-23 00:271 day, 19 hours and 53 minutes
Native FreshfoodNative Freshfood2010-06-20 21:562010-06-21 04:346 hours and 38 minutes
InnerSphere AllianceInnerSphere Alliance2010-03-31 19:302010-06-20 21:562 months, 20 days, 2 hours and 26 minutes
Native FreshfoodNative Freshfood2010-03-31 19:302010-03-31 19:300 seconds
Blueprint Research EmpireBlueprint Research Empire2009-11-03 14:102010-03-31 19:304 months, 28 days, 5 hours and 20 minutes
Native FreshfoodNative Freshfood2009-11-01 16:222009-11-03 14:101 day, 21 hours and 48 minutes
Byzantine EmpireByzantine Empire2009-10-31 21:132009-11-01 16:2219 hours and 9 minutes
Native FreshfoodNative Freshfood2009-10-31 20:492009-10-31 21:1324 minutes
InnerSphere AllianceInnerSphere Alliance2009-10-17 13:112009-10-31 20:4914 days, 7 hours and 38 minutes
Republic UniversityRepublic University2009-10-17 11:332009-10-17 13:111 hour and 38 minutes