Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork

League of Sinister Holding

CorporationLeague of Sinister HoldingSecurity status-1.7
AllianceMinistry of Inappropriate FootworkAvg. time in corporation2 years, 3 months, 9 days and 52 minutes
Date of birth 2011-02-02 12:48:00Id90377140
I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a full frontal lobotomy

If you're reading this, you should probably be talking to one of the people listed in the desc of Questionable Ethics.

Employment history

League of Sinister HoldingLeague of Sinister Holding2011-08-26 05:302024-09-21 18:0213 years, 26 days, 12 hours and 32 minutes
PerkonePerkone2011-08-26 05:042011-08-26 05:3026 minutes
Den Of IniquityDen Of Iniquity2011-07-08 07:162011-08-26 05:041 month, 17 days, 21 hours and 48 minutes
PerkonePerkone2011-04-21 04:352011-07-08 07:162 months, 17 days, 2 hours and 41 minutes
No Civilian ApplicationsNo Civilian Applications2011-02-02 13:222011-04-21 04:352 months, 18 days, 15 hours and 13 minutes
School of Applied KnowledgeSchool of Applied Knowledge2011-02-02 12:482011-02-02 13:2234 minutes