The Explicit Alliance

New Eden's Best.

CorporationNew Eden's Best.Security status-0.0
AllianceThe Explicit AllianceAvg. time in corporation1 year, 7 months, 23 days, 10 hours and 27 minutes
Date of birth 2021-06-08 20:25:07Id2118797147
Alumni from the Republic University's Institute of Exploration are known for their daring forays into the most inhospitable biomes in New Eden.

Employment history

New Eden's Best.New Eden's Best.2021-06-08 20:372024-09-21 17:203 years, 3 months, 12 days, 20 hours and 43 minutes
Republic UniversityRepublic University2021-06-08 20:252021-06-08 20:3712 minutes