Curatores Veritatis Alliance


CorporationGencoSecurity status5
AllianceCuratores Veritatis AllianceAvg. time in corporation3 years, 6 months, 7 days, 17 hours and 34 minutes
Date of birth 2003-05-10 01:49:00Id145852403
Opposed to the extended violence of the Caldari-Gallente war, Datamax left the service of the Caldari navy at the age of 23, after gaining the rank of Officer within the tactical branch.

Since then, He has headed up private fleets, acting as strategic advisor and drill instructor for some of the leading anti-terrorism fleets in the galaxy.

At age 29, he began focusing on technological instead of tactial advantages for the genco fleet, quickly becoming lead researcher for hightech caldari ships.

This move lead to the creation of Interstellar Alcohol Conglomerate, a business front that distributed technological and tactical information across the universe under the guise of a trade good delivery service.

Using contacts gained during his service in the Navy. Datamax founded a shipyard in Amarr space, which quickly expanded to become a multi-trillion isk business, taking advantage of the abundant minerals in the region and the technology gained from Caldari sources

Employment history

GencoGenco2003-10-07 13:282024-09-21 15:3920 years, 11 months, 14 days, 2 hours and 11 minutes
GencoGenco2003-08-28 16:482003-10-07 13:281 month, 8 days, 20 hours and 40 minutes
Deep Core Mining Inc.Deep Core Mining Inc.2003-08-27 20:572003-08-28 16:4819 hours and 51 minutes
Bladerunners IncBladerunners Inc2003-08-18 12:412003-08-27 20:579 days, 8 hours and 16 minutes
Deep Core Mining Inc.Deep Core Mining Inc.2003-08-18 10:592003-08-18 12:411 hour and 42 minutes
Cornexant Inc.Cornexant Inc.2003-08-15 06:112003-08-18 10:593 days, 4 hours and 48 minutes