Rote Works

Sirius Cybernetics Inc

CorporationSirius Cybernetics IncSecurity status-0.1
AllianceRote WorksAvg. time in corporation6 years, 2 days, 13 hours and 14 minutes
Date of birth 2012-09-16 21:40:34Id92452737
"I pay no attention whatever to anybody's praise or blame. I simply follow my own feelings."

-Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

"We have been subordinate to our limitations until now.
The time has come to cast aside these bonds and to elevate our consciousness to a higher plane.
It is time to become a part of all things."

-The Puppet Master

Employment history

Sirius Cybernetics IncSirius Cybernetics Inc2012-09-16 23:002024-09-21 00:0912 years, 4 days, 1 hour and 9 minutes
Hedion UniversityHedion University2012-09-16 21:412012-09-16 23:001 hour and 19 minutes